Posted on October 2, 2024

# Motivation

I recently looked up my email in HIBP’s database. Turns out my email had been hit in a few leaks over the past couple years. The natural next step was to check for my password in their database.

# Checking my credentials

They suggest downloading their password database using their .net tool. However, I couldn’t be bothered to learn their tool. There’s another toolk that serves the same function here. In case that goes private or is deleted I made a fork here.

Running this tool (./ will download a ~40GB text file of hash_suffix:num_occurrences. If I want to check my password, I need to generate a sha1 hash. There’s a bunch of tools to do this (sha1sum, openssl etc), but I used rhash. rg -i $(echo -n "$MY_PASSWORD" | rhash --sha1 --simple - | awk '{print $1}' | cut -c 6-) hashed_passwords.txt will do the trick. The inner command will output a hash, but then we only care about the second 35 characters (the first 5 are used in lookup and then dropped), which is the reason for the cut invocation.